October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and there are lots of ways that you can get involved to raise awareness of women’s health.
Whether it’s raising money, sharing posts on social media, donating your time to volunteer at a walk or rally, or even just discussing the importance of cancer screening with your loved ones, there are lots of ways to get involved.
Wear a Pink Ribbon with Pride
Wearing pink isn’t just for girls anymore; these days wearing pink is a symbol that you stand with women of all ages and walks of life in their battle against breast cancer and are dedicated to helping raise awareness.
You can help out a local charity by purchasing a pink ribbon to wear on your coat or sweater, or if a ribbon isn’t your thing a little creative Googling will help you find a wide selection of pink products to suit your fancy and show cancer patients and survivors that you care.
Cheer on Your NFL Team
During the month of October NFL players, coaches, and referees will wear various kinds of pink apparel and will incorporate the pink ribbon into their games. From spray-on pink ribbons on their field, to pink game balls, and more, the NFL is committed to helping raise awareness, and you can do your part by cheering them on.
Get Out and Get Active
No matter where you live, there’s likely a Breast Cancer Awareness march, walk, or run nearby. You don’t have to be a killer athlete to compete; just showing up and showing your support is enough to make a difference.
There are a variety of walks, runs, and marathons which are held across various states, so make sure to find out what’s available near you and sign up for a race that suits your fancy and fitness level. Make sure to sign up early for your run or walk and get others to sponsor your race to raise funds to continue to fight against breast cancer.
Know the Basics, and Share What You Know
The American Cancer Society estimates that over 230,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and the best way to prevent tragedies from occurring is to know the warning signs in advance and to take precautionary measures.
With this in mind, make sure to speak to the women in your life about how they can stay safe, and ask them to commit to annual breast cancer screenings, and to perform self-checks on a monthly basis in order to stay safe.
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