Getting Ready for Back to School

Preparing to take the kids back to school in the fall is one of the most tiring and troublesome experiences a parent can go through. There are so many little things to accomplish, such as buying new outfits, textbooks, backpacks, general school supplies, and reorganizing schedules around work and everyday life. Most kids will not be ready and will simply not want to offer a helping hand with all of the tasks that need to be completed by the first day of school.


saving-moneyYou should begin saving a bit of extra money ahead of time for the purchase of various school supplies. Most schools don't send home a list of what is needed, such as the books, notebooks, and pencils, until it is nearly time to return.
This can be troublesome and downright headache-inducing for most parents. The best option is to put aside a bit of money each month during the summer so when the time comes you already have the funds required to take the kids shopping.

Buying Supplies

Most local big-name stores will offer the school supplies required for most children in the area. Large shopping chains set aside entire sections of their floor, including multiple aisles, for parents shopping for their children.
You can find brand new notebooks, three-ring binders, packs of markers, pencils, pens, and loose-leaf paper so kids can draw or write notes on. The items can be costly, so saving some money beforehand, as mentioned above, will be vital to heading back to school.

Organizing Your Schedules

timingThis is especially important for those parents who have more than one child in their home heading back to school. Some schools, especially middle and high schools, tend to have different starting times.
You must balance your time between dropping off your child before the bell rings and making it to work on-time each day. This can be a bit of a hassle at first, but once you really get into the swing of things, it should be much easier.
When possible, speak with your kids and find out who would be willing to ride the bus in the morning. If you have a school bus stop near your home, you can drop your child off on the way to work. Alternatively, you can have a family friend, or perhaps a neighbor, who also has a child heading to school, drop your kids off when they are passing by the area.
Heading back to school does not need to give you the headache that most people associate it with. Take a step back, take a quick breath, and write down exactly what needs to be done.
If plumbing problems are keeping you away from getting ready for the school year the professionals at Valley Plumbing and Drain Cleaning are here to help all residents of the South Sandy, UT area. Give us a call at (801) 341-4222. 

3 Things You Should Know About Summer Solstice

Summer solstice is on its way, and many people are ready to celebrate by opening their pools and having parties. Celebrating this day is a tradition that dates back to ancient times. Here are some tips to make your summer celebration a success:

1) What is the Summer Solstice?

Summer Solstice is the official first day of summer. It is also the longest day of the year and occurs between June 20-23 (according to the Gregorian calendar). In 2016, it will be celebrated on June 20th. There are many cultures that place a sacred significance on this day. It was seen as a day when the sun was reborn and gave most of its light to benefit the crops. It was celebrated with banquets, bonfires, and special gifts. There are still many groups, such as Wiccans, who have celebrations for the Summer Solstice.


2) Bonfire Tips

After braving the cold of a long winter, it is fun to celebrate the warmth of summer. You can make this year’s summer solstice a fun celebration with family and friends. What better way to celebrate than with an old-fashioned bonfire! The ancients believed that the fire honored the sun and warded off any evil spirits. Just make sure you do it in a place where building fires is not forbidden by local ordinances.

The ideal place for a bonfire is away from buildings, trees, and anything else that can catch fire. Find a spot and gather up some wood. Rather than just throw the wood in a pile, set it upright until it looks like a wooden teepee. Take smaller branches and paper to make kindling. Avoid using hazardous fire-accelerating fuels. Once the fire gets started, you can feed it larger pieces of wood to keep it going. Never leave a bonfire unattended and be sure to watch children around it.

Set the bonfire on the evening of the solstice, when the outside temperature is cooler and the fire can be seen better. Many people have hot dogs to roast over the fire; however, you can grill any type of food that you prefer. You can put meat and veggies on a skewer and have delicious kebabs. If you are a vegetarian, you can stick to grilling vegetables and even fruit. The classic dessert is grilled marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate for s’mores!

3) Watch the Sunset / Sunrise

Another tradition is to celebrate the solstice all night. Your family and guests can watch the glorious sunset on June 20th and stay up to watch the sunrise. You can play games and tell ghost stories around the fire. If you like, you can hand out small party favors to remember the day. Just be careful to watch the fire and put it out completely with water when you are done.

Since you may be opening your pool on this day, it would be a good time to check your plumbing. Call Valley Plumbing and Drain, South Sandy, UT, at (801)-341-4222.

Damaged Sewer Line 101

Sewer line problems can turn into a real nightmare, one that no homeowner wants to face. Being able to correctly identify the early signs that a sewer line may be in need of repair can minimize household discomfort and inconvenience as well as ensure that repair cost can be kept as low as possible. Failing to take action early on can lead to additional problems, like rodent or mold infestations that significantly increase repair-related costs. When it comes to dealing with broken sewer lines, knowing when to call in a professional plumber in the Salt Lake City area is never an issue that should be left up to chance.

 Salt Lake City, UT sewer-line-repair-1Sewer Backups, Blockages and Odors

Sewer-line backups typically occur at the lowest open drain. Backups are commonly caused by a blockage somewhere in the line or system.
Backups that occur with each flush or every time water is run in a sink or tub are a strong indication that the sewer line is at fault. All drains run to the main sewer line and if it becomes blocked, it may lead to backups for multiple drains and fixtures. The problems caused by a clogged or broken main sewer line are rarely isolated.
The strong and distinctive odor of sewer gas is another common sign that a problem may be present. Even a small crack in the sewer line can lead to unpleasant odors that occur in or around the home.
Sanitary sewer lines need to be airtight at all points except for the vent stacks located along the roof. Lines that have been cracked, broken or compromised can suffer from reduced flow rates that often lead to chronic clogging and poor drainage. The presence of sewer gas odors means that it is time to schedule a maintenance call.

Lawn Deformation, Drywall Cracks and Lush Patches of Grass Growth

Another indication that a sewer line may have broken is the appearance of an indention in a lawn, paved area or landscaped environment. A cracked main line is constantly saturating the surrounding soil which will cause the lawn to develop a tell tale depression or indentation.
Soil dissipation may be less easily identified in landscaped areas, but the presence of sudden erosion or isolated patches of lush grass and vegetation growth can still alert property-owners that a problem is present.
The same soil dissipation that can create a lawn depression can cause far more serious problems if it occurs under a home. Cracked and leaking sewer lines have the potential to damage foundations, drywall and even the structural integrity of a home. Cracks that appear in drywall, the presence of a sinkhole or other issue with foundation settlement should always be addressed without delay.

Rodent Infestations

Sewage leaks can lead to any number of infestations that may cause further harm to the property or require expensive services in order to address. Leaking pipes and cracked sewage lines can increase interior humidity levels which creates the perfect environment for molds and mildew. The presence of mold growth in combination with the strong odor of sewage gas may indicate a damaged sewage line located behind a wall or underneath a floor.
A rodent infestation is another sign that sewer lines may have become compromised. Rats and other rodents live in sewers and can make their way into the home from the main line and into walls and floors. The average rat is able to squeeze through a crack in a sanitary sewer line that may be less than an inch in size. Property owners in the Salt Lake City area who are dealing with a rodent infestation or rat problem can benefit from having their sewer line and plumbing system inspected by a professional.

 Salt Lake City, UT sewer-line-repair-2Sewer Line Damage and Repair

Cast-iron sewer lines and other pipes typically begin to experience problems after 25 to 35 years of use. Other issues, like freezing pipes and even harm done during home renovations or landscaping projects can cause damage to pipes at any time.
Tree root intrusion, channeling, and misaligned connections can also cause sewer lines to fail at any time. Whatever the cause of the problem, taking action without delay is essential for minimizing the extent of the damage and ensuring that cleanup and repair costs do not get out of hand.
Some symptoms of a sewer line problem, like the presence of pooling sewage in outdoor areas, may be difficult to miss while other symptoms may require a professional assessment in order to detect and identify. Scheduling a service appointment at the first sign of a problem or arranging for annual inspections of plumbing systems and sewer lines can ensure that property owners will be less likely to find themselves faced with additional problems.

Seeking Service From the Best

Not every service provider may have the tools and experience needed to accurately identify the source of a sewer line problem and ensure effective repairs are made. Second rate repair work or assessments that may miss the early warning signs that a problem may be developing can help minimize the risk that property owners will be faced with further problems and additional expenses in the days to come.
When it comes to protecting your home and property from the damages and inconvenience that a sewer line problem may cause, it always pays to do business with the best.
For quality sewer line repairs in your Salt Lake City, UT  home, call Valley Plumbing at 801-341-4222.

Kitchen Remodeling, man cleaning hist kitchen counter

Your Water Heater Should be Drained for Optimum Performance

In any Salt Lake City home that has a water heater, it may become necessary to drain it. When this happens, knowing how to properly drain the water heater will be important to ensure it's done safely.

While it may sound easy, many people take it for granted and create more problems than they originally had prior to starting the job. If you need to know how to properly drain your water heater and the situations when it may be necessary to do so, take a look at the information below.

Salt Lake City, UT water heater services, man turning dialWhy Drain the Heater

Contrary to what people think, there are many reasons why a water heater will need to be drained. For example, if the water heater needs to be moved from one place to another, it will need to be drained. In some cases, the water can become contaminated with odor-causing bacteria, and will need to be drained to rid the heater of the foul odors. In a related situation, the tank may become filled with lime deposits, requiring the water be drained before it becomes hardened and foul-tasting.

Turn Off the Power and Water

Before ever draining a water heater, it's necessary to turn off both the power to the heater and the water as well. Electric heaters are turned off by turning off the circuit breaker located in the home's electrical box, while gas heaters can be turned off by turning off the gas knob in front of the tank, then turning off the gas supply line valve. Once this is done, turn off the water by locating the cold water inlet valve, then turning it until the water flow to the heater is halted.

Connect a Hose

Once the power and water are turned off, it's time to connect a hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the tank. In most cases, a regular garden hose will be sufficient, so long as it is long enough to reach outside or stretched to a nearby sink or drain.

If necessary, the end of the hose can be put into a five-gallon bucket for added convenience. Just remember that when doing this, be sure the drain valve is opened all the way to ensure all the water can drain from the heater. Doing so can greatly improve the hot water quality in your Salt Lake City home.

If you need quality service in your Salt Lake City, UT home, please contact Valley Plumbing at 801-341-4222.

Unclogging Drains Like a Pro

There is nothing worse than a clogged sink, but this problem can be fixed in a short amount of time. Chemical solutions can be bought at the local grocery store, which can unclog a sink in just a matter of minutes. Although plunging is a more tedious technique, it’s very effective cost friendly for Salt Lake City residents.
Severe clogs might require the use of a snake to correct the problem. Learn more about these techniques to discover how drains can be unclogged without having to call the local plumber.

Salt Lake City, UT draincleaning_720Chemical Solutions

There are a variety of chemical solutions on the market that help unclog drains. Liquid Clog Removers are generally used for small plumbing problems. Foamer Unclog Removers can act as an alternative to liquid when clogs are persistent. Gel Clog Removers work best for stubborn clogs that cannot be fixed with liquid or foam. Chemicals are also available to remove buildup to prevent clogs from surfacing.

The Plunging Technique

The plunging technique is one of the easiest and cost effective ways to unclog a drain. A plunger can be purchased for just a few dollars at your local hardware or grocery store. It’s important to use a plunger that will cover the entire drain opening. Petroleum jelly can be used to create a tighter fit around the drain opening. People should plunge the drain at least 20 times to clog the drain successfully. It might be necessary to do this technique several times.

Drain Snakes

Drain snakes can be very effective against stubborn clogs that cannot be fixed by plunging or the use of chemicals. The cable lengths on drain snakes can reach deep clogs to break through the blockage in a short amount of time. Some chemical solution products come with draining snakes to help remove the clog. People have the option to use non-electric drain snakes or might consider purchasing a drain machine.
A clogged sink might seem like a serious issue, but this kind of problem can be resolved without having to call a plumber. There are many chemical solutions on the market that can unclog drains. Plunging a clogged drain is cost effective and can fix the problem in a short amount of time. Drain snakes are a great alternative for stubborn clogs when chemicals and plunging don’t work. Try one of these great techniques the next time you experience a clogged drain to resolve the problem quickly and efficiently.

Unclogging a sink is a job for the pros. Call Valley Plumbing at 801-341-4222 for plumbing service in your Salt Lake City, UT home!